Notícias e Eventos

A Deswik está sempre desenvolvendo algo novo…


artigos encontrados

2023 | Ano em Análise

2023 foi um ano muito ativo para a Deswik com a Polymathian Industrial Mathematics se juntando à equipe e a aquisição da MCB Brazil pela Sandvik permitindo à Deswik o controle total sobre as operações brasileiras. Prosseguimos com nosso tour global de eventos para clientes. realizando conferências em Banff (Canadá) e Perth (Austrália), e paralelamente lançando três soluções reposicionadas (APEX, Soluções Spatial e Planning), a fim de proporcionar ainda mais recursos em planejamento de minas para auxiliar nossos clientes.

Notícias sobre o softwarejaneiro 17, 2024

Aproveitando ao máximo os serviços de suporte da Deswik

Mark Vanderbeek, Gerente de Suporte Global da Deswik, fala sobre as maneiras como o Suporte Deswik pode ajudar nossos clientes e como entrar em contato para obter assistência rápida.

Blogmaio 9, 2023Por Mark Vanderbeek

Sandvik adquire a MCB Brazil, parceira revendedora da Deswik no Brasil

Sandvik adquire a MCB, fortalecendo a posição de liderança da Deswik no mercado latino-americano.

Mídiaabril 18, 2023

Como compreender o risco e a variabilidade em seu cronograma

Os métodos de sequenciamento tradicionais identificam um único resultado determinístico e, embora este seja a melhor suposição, ele pode estar invariavelmente errado. Assista à apresentação de Todd Vallance e Patrick Doig sobre Sequenciamento Estocástico na Conferência de Usuários da Deswik Australia de 2022, que pode ajudar os usuários a entenderem o quão factível é seu cronograma de produção, qual é o caminho crítico e como o plano pode ser melhor gerenciado.

Notícias sobre o softwaremaio 23, 2023

Uma nova abordagem para a otimização de cavas

A pergunta “qual é o limite máximo de uma cava?” é uma que os planejadores de minas sempre se perguntam para garantir um projeto bem-sucedido. Este artigo analisa os métodos atuais para resolver o problema de otimização de cavas e discute o sequenciamento direto de blocos como uma abordagem mais nova que pode ser a próxima mudança de passo do setor.

Mídiasetembro 7, 2022Por Catherine Mortimer, Matthew McHale

A Deswik oferece uma solução de levantamento integrada que permite um fluxo de dados contínuo

A Deswik firmou parceria com o provedor de hardware líder internacional RIEGL para fornecer uma solução completa para topógrafos de minas.

Mídiajunho 21, 2022


In 2021, we continued to develop and extend Deswik.Suite, all the while providing exceptional customer service, support and training. With the addition of Deswik.Apps, and our new series of technical sessions called, ‘Sips & Tips’, 2021 was yet another successful year for our global teams. Discover our infographic!

Notícias sobre o softwarefevereiro 18, 2022

Sandvik acquires Deswik and launches new Digital Mining Technologies Division

We are thrilled to announce that Deswik has signed an agreement to be acquired by Sandvik, the high-tech and global engineering group headquartered in Sweden.

Mídiadezembro 3, 2021

Deswik acquires mining mobile apps

The reach of Deswik’s strategic mine planning and design solutions is set to extend deep underground with the acquisition of a suite of apps that will enable operators to access critical, task specific data on a tablet or mobile device while offline, working in underground operations.

Mídianovembro 30, 2021

Deswik.OPS providing operations efficiency through collaborative operational scheduling and tracking

Many mines today are struggling with complex processes to align long-term schedule objectives with medium-term and operational schedules. Agnico Eagle in partnership with Deswik have been implementing an approach to solve these problems at their Kittila mine in Finland.

Mídiasetembro 28, 2021

Rapidly create final pit designs with Deswik.SPD

With Deswik.SPD, users can now quickly generate multiple pit designs for any number of optimization runs, compare results and select go-forward cases. Final pit designs which took days to create manually can now be created in minutes, enabling planners to spend less time doing repetitive design tasks and more time analyzing results and evaluating options.

Blogmarço 23, 2021Por Jayne Kato

2020 | Um Ano Em Análise

In 2020, we focused on providing excellent customer service, support and training, whilst continuing to develop the Deswik Suite and improve the usability of our software. Check out our infographic!

Notícias sobre o softwarefevereiro 12, 2021

Deswik.MDM providing technical data management efficiency

Deswik.MDM has been in use at the OZ Minerals Prominent Hill site since March 2019, providing critical data management, transparency, and governance for the large volumes of technical data required to keep Prominent Hill operational and productive.

Mídiadezembro 11, 2020

Deswik teams up with RGS to deliver one-stop-shop environmental services to the mining sector

Deswik has entered a partnership with Australian environmental consultancy RGS Environmental that will allow both companies to deliver comprehensive life of mine planning solutions to their clients.

Mídiafevereiro 5, 2021

Resultados da colaboração internacional em novas tecnologias para projeto e planejamento estratégico de minas – Deswik.GO

A Deswik firmou uma parceria com a Alicanto Labs, em associação com a Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (UAI) no Chile, para o lançamento do Deswik.GO, uma ferramenta abrangente de projeto e sequenciamento estratégico para lavras a céu aberto. O Deswik.GO permite que planejadores estratégicos de minas otimizem rapidamente o formato da lavra, as fases e a sequência em sites greenfield e brownfield.

Mídiamarço 23, 2021

Deswik Mine Closure Risk Ratio

The Mine Closure Risk Ratio is proposed as a simple method of measuring Life of Mine risks related to mine closure. This paper looks at the Mine Closure Risk Ratio as a decision support metric used to integrate mine production and closure considerations when evaluating all business plan scenarios.

Blogsetembro 22, 2020Por Neil Tyson

Semi-automate layout creation and design using Deswik’s Auto Designer

Deswik’s Auto Designer is one of the most powerful tools in Deswik.CAD, automating repetitive tasks using a simple rules-based approach to allow users to construct rule sets representing design criteria or steps required. This tool has now been extended to support a range of use cases for both underground and surface operations.

Blogagosto 24, 2020Por Jayne Kato

Improving Deswik.CAD and Deswik.Sched Startup Speeds

Tips for improving Deswik.CAD and Deswik.Sched startup speeds when working over a VPN or slow connection.

Blogjulho 2, 2020Por Matt Chilcott & Mikeal Hooley

A Deswik lançou o Drillhole Optimizer (Otimizador de Malha de Sondagem), um módulo projetado para automatizar o planejamento de furos de sondagem e maximizar os retornos em seu orçamento de sondagem

Um novo módulo do Deswik.GeoTools permite que os geólogos apliquem um processo automático e otimizado no planejamento de seus programas de furos de infill, tanto em cavas a céu aberto quanto subterrâneas. Ao executar rapidamente múltiplos cenários, os geólogos têm mais tempo para analisar os resultados e selecionar o plano de sondagem de melhor valor.

Mídiajunho 30, 2020

Deswik.SO major release features AMS SSO version 4

2020.2 Deswik.SO has been updated to support AMS Stope Shape Optimizer version 4. This latest release from AMS features improvements to the SSO algorithm and several major new features and enhancements.

Blogjunho 11, 2020Por Jayne Kato

An integrated and scheduling-driven approach to Short Interval Control in mining

With the increasing amount of operational execution data being generated by mining operations, Deswik has been exploring how to truly integrate operational plan execution with upstream mine planning processes. This paper discusses the people, process, and technology considerations for SIC in mining, and provides a review of several SIC concepts applied in the industry today.

Blogjunho 3, 2020Por Shaun MacRae

Deswik’s Road Audit tool increasing efficiency in open cut mine operations

Conducting road audits is usually a manual and time-consuming process. By using the Deswik Road Audit tool, sites can complete the road audit process much faster, allowing operations to get quicker feedback and free up personnel to complete value-add tasks.

Blogmaio 27, 2020Por Patrick Doig

Next generation technology delivers efficient, sustainable mine planning and enables technical workforces to operate remotely from site

Deswik.MDM makes it possible for technical services professionals to collaborate efficiently and effectively with off-site colleagues whilst maintaining data and approvals integrity.

Mídiamaio 29, 2020

Advanced End of Month Reporting

As mining operations seek greater conformance to plan and margins become increasingly tight, end of month (EOM) reporting needs to keep pace with these increasing requirements. This paper provides the mining industry an option for greater analysis of EOM data whilst decreasing the time consuming workload on survey departments.

Blogabril 29, 2020Por Stephen Rowles

Best practices for underground short-term scheduling

Short-term scheduling of an underground mine is a fast-paced, repetitive process. This paper provides some recommendations on best practices to streamline and automate this process.

Blogmarço 25, 2020Por Scott O'Connor

2019 | Um ano em análise

Em 2019, continuamos com nosso foco em fornecer uma plataforma integrada, que comporte o design e o planejamento de lavra em todos os horizontes de planejamento e da cadeia de valores da mineração. Veja nosso infográfico!

Notícias sobre o softwarefevereiro 10, 2020

Face it, you need mapped data to validate your geological models!

Why Leapfrog and Deswik.Mapping are a winning combination for resource geology teams: an underground mapping to implicit modeling workflow.

Blogjaneiro 28, 2020Por Nick Anderson

6 simple hacks for surveying and general CAD work – Part 2

As a number of survey departments make the transition to Deswik, we are seeing an increased interest in the open pit survey tools that Deswik has to offer. This blog post shows some open pit-based workflows that survey departments may have to perform.

Blogjaneiro 20, 2020Por Stephen Rowles

Como melhorar o processo de auditoria de acessos em minas a céu aberto

A construção e manutenção de acessos são elementos cruciais para as operações de minas e há um foco cada vez maior na auditoria e conformidade de acessos.

Blogdezembro 10, 2019Por Patrick Doig

Apresentamos o Deswik.GeoTools – nosso novo conjunto de ferramentas para amostragem e mapeamento geológico

Um novo conjunto de ferramentas para amostragem e mapeamento geológico, o Deswik.GeoTools é perfeitamente integrado com o Deswik Suite e foi projetado para melhorar a eficiência, eliminando a duplicidade no manuseio de dados.

Mídianovembro 25, 2019

Deswik consolida seu compromisso com o setor mineral brasileiro através da aquisição de Parte da MCB

A Deswik anuncia hoje que adquiriu uma participação minoritária na sua representante brasileira de longa data, a MCB Serviços e Mineração.

Mídiasetembro 2, 2019

Let’s work together: why data interoperability initiatives are good news for mining companies

The Group’s Open Mining Format (OMF) interoperability project is developing an open 3D data exchange format to enable complex files to be shared seamlessly between third party mining solutions, and encouraging vendors to adopt them.

Blogjulho 22, 2019Por Jayne Kato

Say no to buffer tasks

This article looks at the applicability of introducing buffer tasks to a schedule, in order to apply the Theory of Constraints and suggest alternates. Find out why the recommended approach is to analyze mining “stocks” and ensure that the correct mining rate is being applied, rather than introducing buffer tasks.

Blogjunho 13, 2019Por Julian Poniewierski

Um ano em análise

Continuamos nos esforçando para fornecer uma plataforma integrada, que comporte o projeto e planejamento de lavras em todos os horizontes de planejamento e da cadeia de valores da mineração. Reunimos uma série de vídeos para expor nossos principais destaques dos últimos doze meses. Confira!

Notícias sobre o softwarejunho 13, 2019

Gere sólidos com qualidade a partir de dados de escaneamento de alta resolução em menos tempo

Projetado para processar grandes quantidades de pontos de levantamento e automatizar o processo de criar sólidos a partir deles, o Deswik.AdvSurvey foi concebido para atender às constantes mudanças na aplicação de levantamentos no setor de mineração.

Notícias sobre o softwaremaio 9, 2019

6 simple hacks for surveying and general CAD work

Deswik.CAD users have some powerful in-built survey functionality at their fingertips. Here is a short compilation of some useful tips for making the most out of Deswik.CAD for surveying purposes and some standard CAD tips for all users.

Blogmaio 9, 2019Por Stephen Rowles

Integrating infrastructure and production schedules

This paper provides recommendations for optimizing critical path by managing shared locations and materials in underground construction projects.

Blogabril 18, 2019Por Neil Tyson

2018 by the numbers

In 2018, we continued to extend our software’s capability and focus on usability to make our users’ lives easier. We remain dedicated to our user community with increased support, free online training and new user events to be launched globally.

Notícias sobre o softwarejaneiro 29, 2019

Block model knowledge for mining engineers

This paper has been written to introduce new mining engineers to mineral resource block models: their structure, the brands they may come across, the types they may come across, and issues that they will need to understand to avoid mistakes in their use.

Blogjaneiro 18, 2019Por Julian Poniewierski

School of Mine partnership inspires educators and students alike

For the past five years, Lewis Meyer has taught Deswik software at the Camborne School of Mines at the University of Exeter. As Senior Lecturer in Mining Engineering, 257 students have graduated from Lewis’s Deswik course which consistently receives rave reviews from students.

Mídiaoutubro 17, 2018

Mining for closure

This article, recently published in Global Mining Review, describes the modeling techniques tried and tested at an Australian mine. The mine needed a solution to produce a 3D visual landform which, while reducing costs, could also achieve desired rehabilitation objectives.

Mídiaoutubro 5, 2018Por Ian Neilsen

A Deswik combina o transporte com a otimização e a movimentação de materiais

A última atualização do Deswik foi feita para mudar a maneira como engenheiros planejam sua mina, ao mesmo tempo em que leva em conta as restrições ao transporte e alterações no relevo.

Notícias sobre o softwareoutubro 2, 2018

Deswik Copperbelt Conference 2018

We are pleased to invite our customers and partners from throughout Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo to see first-hand the value Deswik’s applications offer the Copperbelt region.

Eventosoutubro 1, 2018

Triangle Slope Markers

Triangle Slope Markers provide a simple, graphical tool to quickly demonstrate the behavior of surfaces and solids based on the user requirements.

Blogagosto 22, 2018Por Stephen Rowles

Latest integration improves accuracy and productivity in underground drill & blast mining

We’re pleased to welcome drill and blast technology manufacturer Minnovare as an integration partner, as part of our commitment to providing a flexible and integrated mine planning platform.

Notícias sobre o softwareagosto 1, 2018

Best practice for processing UAV data in Deswik

With the prevalence of UAVs within the mining industry, operations now have at their disposal unprecedented amounts of data to use. Turning this data into usable and valuable information is the key to providing value.

Blogjulho 12, 2018Por Stephen Rowles

Deswik User Conference 2018: Technology change experts head speaker lineup

Two experts on technology and change management will be heading the lineup for the Deswik User Conference 2018.

Eventosjulho 9, 2018

Deswik proud partners of Life-of-Mine conference

The upcoming Life-of-Mine Conference has proven to be the perfect partnership for Deswik, who are proud to be a gold sponsor of the event being held in Brisbane on July 25 to 27.

Eventosjunho 29, 2018

Don’t forget the water! A common error in truck schedule modelling

This article looks at the impact of scheduling site trucks filled with dry tonnes from the block model rather than wet tonnes required by the trucking simulation.

Blogmaio 8, 2018Por Julian Poniewierski

Truck Schedule Modelling: Centre-Line vs. Truck Path

Is the industry standard practice of modelling trucking using the ramp centre-line, versus using the actual truck path an issue or not?

Blogabril 9, 2018Por Julian Poniewierski

Guidelines and considerations for open pit designers

This article has been written specifically for those who are new to pit design and may need some advice on how to undertake a pit design.

Blogmarço 26, 2018Por Julian Poniewierski

Celebrating 10 years of mining innovation

It can be tough being a newcomer in an established industry but, after ten years in business, we have proved our staying power.

Mídiamarço 19, 2018

Picture the future of mining

Deswik continues to bridge the gap between geology and mine planning. A new collaboration with Imago will extend the capability of Deswik’s operational geology platform.

Notícias sobre o softwaremarço 14, 2018

2017 by the numbers

In 2017, we continued to work hard to improve and expand our support services for our users around the world. We’ve introduced many new tools and enhancements…

Notícias sobre o softwarefevereiro 13, 2018

Short-range ore control modeling & design tool

Earlier this year, we released our short-range ore control modeling & design tool, Deswik.OPSTS to allow open pit mine planners to quickly produce short-term production plans from a single pit shell solid.

Blogdezembro 13, 2017Por Wayne Romer

New survey features in Deswik.CAD 2017.1 & 2017.2

In 2017 there have been over 50 enhancements added to the roadmap and at present over 60% of them have been added into the CAD platform.

Blogdezembro 13, 2017Por Stephen Rowles

Investing in future tech entrepreneurs

Deswik is pleased to support the RCL Accelerator program which provides funding, mentoring and support to start-ups in Brisbane, Australia.

Mídianovembro 29, 2017

Practical tools for integrated planning

Integrating landform engineering and closure cost calculations into your tactical mine planning delivers a more complete, overall view of the value of a project.

Blognovembro 21, 2017Por Neil Tyson & Ian Neilsen

Introducing .DUF (Deswik Unified File) format

The Deswik Unifed File format (.DUF) is a new file format for faster loading and saving of CAD files. The bigger the file, the bigger the performance improvement

Blognovembro 13, 2017Por Wesley Beere

Blend 2: multi-period destinations decisions

Maximize the value of your operation by optimizing the decision of where to send mined material across multiple periods.

Blognovembro 13, 2017Por Mario Silva

Chilean recognition for innovative optimization

Our joint work with University Adolfo Ibáñez in Chile was recently recognized through the awarding of the Chilean National Prize of Technologic Transfer.

Mídiaoutubro 30, 2017

New underground haulage solution

A technology preview of Deswik.LHS Underground is now available. Create your underground haulage network from your 3D mine model, and directly integrated with your schedule.

Blogoutubro 16, 2017Por Wayne Romer

Supporting Women in STEM

Deswik is pleased to take part in the Austmine Women in STEM: METS Career Pathway Program, aiming to support and promote women in STEM while improving gender diversity in the METS sector.

Mídiasetembro 1, 2017

Deswik Suite 2017.1

A Deswik tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Deswik.Suite 2017.1, uma nova versão com 254 aprimoramentos e dois novos módulos.

Notícias sobre o softwaremaio 22, 2017

Coming soon: Deswik.LHS embedded in Deswik.Sched, Deswik.LHS for UG

From 2017.2 Deswik.LHS will be available as a plugin in Deswik.CAD & Deswik.Sched. Deswik.LHS will also be available for Underground mining operations.

Notícias sobre o softwaremaio 22, 2017


What are the plotting elements and how do they fit together? In this two-part video series, we take you through an overview of our key plotting functions with tips on how to best set them up to minimize data replication.

Blogabril 23, 2017

Deswik Users Conference – Europe

9th – 11th May 2017. We invite our users and partners to join us in Skellefteå, Sweden for an informative two-day event on the latest industry trends and Deswik software advances.

Eventosabril 10, 2017

Pseudoflow explained

Everything you wanted to know about Pseudoflow but were afraid to ask… A discussion of Deswik Pseudoflow pit optimization in comparison to Whittle LG pit optimization.

Blogmarço 8, 2017Por Julian Poniewierski

2016 by the numbers

Our awesome software team continues to deliver powerful tools for our users. Here’s a snapshot of the enhancements for the year…

Notícias sobre o softwarejaneiro 24, 2017

DESWIK to unveil new operations scheduling tool at MinExpo 2016

Deswik announces the launch of Deswik.OPS, their new operational shift planning and tracking tool, which is set to revolutionize the way mines manage their daily operations.

Eventossetembro 22, 2016

Use of Reconciliation tool for End-of-Month process

Nova Project have been using Deswik.CAD’s reconciliation tool for their End-of-Month process. This has resulted in a higher quality report for the contractor on site and significant time savings.

Notícias sobre o softwaresetembro 12, 2016

Deswik to showcase new mobile 3D scanning integration at ISM 2016

Deswik announces the inclusion of new mobile 3D scanning tools in its upcoming software release, version 2016.2.

Eventosagosto 26, 2016

DESWIK co-founder national finalist in EY Entrepreneur Of The Year

We’re pleased to announce that Wayne Romer has been selected as a national finalist in the 2016 EY Entrepreneur of The Year awards.

Mídiaagosto 5, 2016

Deswik.Suite 2016.1 – Staff picks

Three months on since the release of Deswik.Suite 2016.1, we continue to explore some of the 2016.1 enhancements, with a selection of our team’s favorite new tools.

Blogjulho 6, 2016

The fall and rise of draglines

In a compelling article recently published in World Coal, Neil Tyson details ways to improve dragline engineering and in turn improve planning cycle time and mitigate complex risks.

Mídiamaio 18, 2016

Running Deswik.Suite on VDI platforms

We often get asked about running Deswik.Suite on virtualized platforms (VDI). Whilst technically challenging, it is still possible to run it effectively on a VDI platform under very specific conditions.

Blogjunho 7, 2016Por Matt Chilcott

Deswik to showcase new caving tool at MassMin 2016

Deswik will officially launch and showcase its new caving tool to the underground mining industry at MassMin 2016

Eventosmaio 5, 2016

Resource leveling algorithms: a comparison

Deswik.Sched has come a long way from version 1.2 where resource leveling could only be done on task priorities. There’s now three major leveling algorithms which support a myriad of features.

Blogabril 22, 2016Por Chris Hudson

Deswik.Suite 2016.1

Deswik is pleased to announce the release of Deswik.Suite 2016.1, a major release featuring 141 enhancements and two exciting new products.

Notícias sobre o softwaremarço 30, 2016

Deswik.CAD – Survey functionality

Deswik.CAD now features in-built survey functions, commonly used by underground surveyors internationally.

Notícias sobre o softwaremarço 30, 2016

New in 2016.1: Graphics in the scheduler

Graphics are now supported in the scheduler. The task graphics can be saved in the scheduler file and Deswik.Sched can be used stand-alone with animations.

Blogmarço 30, 2016

2015 by the numbers

2015 has been another busy year for our software team. We take a look back at our major achievements:

Notícias sobre o softwarefevereiro 29, 2016

Deswik.CAD integrates with Ventsim

In Deswik.Suite 2016.1, users will be able to export a network of tunnels directly from Deswik.CAD to a native Ventsim file.

Notícias sobre o softwaredezembro 14, 2015

Deswik Seminar at Mining World Russia

In conjunction with MiningWorld Russia 2016, Deswik will run a half-day seminar on “Solutions for effective mine planning“ on 27th April.

Eventosmarço 29, 2016

Case study: Dawson Mine

With Deswik’s assistance, Anglo American’s Dawson mine managed to achieve significant haulage and engineering productivity improvements, directly reducing their cost per tonne of coal.

Notícias sobre o softwaredezembro 14, 2015

Coming soon in Deswik.Suite 2016.1

Plenty of new tools and features to look forward to in 2016 with the next release of Deswik.Suite. Find out more…

Notícias sobre o softwaredezembro 14, 2015

Deswik.Suite Portable (Application Virtualisation)

This article outlines outlines our application virtualisation solution for rapid deployment of Deswik.Suite updates

Blognovembro 18, 2015Por Matt Chilcott

Exposibram (14th – 17th Sept) & Perumin (21st – 25th Sept)

Things have been busy for Deswik South America since the opening of our Santiago office (Chile). This month we continue to spread the word at key mining events in the region.

Eventossetembro 7, 2015

Deswik Software Suite v5.1 – New Features

Version 5.1 of the Deswik Suite is now available, featuring over 200 enhancements. Highlights for this release include…

Notícias sobre o softwaresetembro 1, 2015

Deswik.Suite’s software release cycle – explained

This article explains the development methodology and release process for Deswik.Suite – and in particular why we release new versions and patches so frequently.

Blogagosto 31, 2015Por Matt Chilcott

Process maps in Deswik.CAD

Process maps have become a very important part of Deswik’s implementation strategy. They provide an easy, non-scripted solution to building streamlining repetitive tasks.

Blogsetembro 1, 2015Por Wayne Romer

A holistic approach to mine planning

Minimizing risk of acid mine drainage: discover the techniques for integration of production and destination scheduling for planning engineered waste rock dumps and tailings management.

Notícias sobre o softwareagosto 26, 2015

Deswik software recognised for product innovation and excellence

Deswik has been announced as an ABA100 Winner for Product Innovation and Product Excellence in the Australian Business Awards 2015.

Mídiaagosto 14, 2015

Creating a pit design

In this short video, Deswik Technical Director Wayne Romer shows you how to create and adjust your pit design using expansion layers, bench ramps and switchbacks.

Blogjunho 10, 2015Por Wayne Romer

Deswik launch new software tool for dragline and dozer design

Deswik launches Deswik.DD, a sectional design & analysis tool for design, optimisation and communication for dragline or dozer push operations.

Notícias sobre o softwareagosto 10, 2015

Dynamic block model interpolation in Deswik.CAD

Dynamic block model Interpolation with Deswik.CAD is quick and easy. In this video, we show you how to update a block model from blast hole data.

Blogjunho 10, 2015Por Wayne Romer

Deswik expands into civil tunnelling market

We are pleased to announce our expansion into the civil tunnelling market with our new strategic partner Skarpa Pty Ltd.

Mídiajulho 29, 2015

Scheduling improvements

The Scheduling Team continually works to improve the speed and performance of resource leveling. This quarter, we take a retrospective look at one of our clients’ schedule since it first arrived at Deswik in March 2012.

Blogjunho 10, 2015Por Steve Lever

Bridging the gap between geology and mine planning

DESWIK announces a technology partnership with ARANZ Geo Limited, developers of Leapfrog 3D geological modeling software.

Notícias sobre o softwaremaio 4, 2015

Deswik at Exponor 2015

Deswik Chile will once again have a booth in the Austrade pavilion at EXPONOR in Antofagasta between the 11th and 15th May 2015.

Eventosmarço 24, 2015

Advanced Deswik.Sched training now available

The much anticipated Advanced Deswik.Sched module has also been published and has received positive feedback from numerous recipients.

Notícias sobre o softwaremarço 24, 2015

Pivot Table Reporting

Deswik.Suite V5.0 contains some exciting new pivot table reporting functionality (found using the Deswik.LHS Reporting command, and called Pivot Table).

Blogmarço 24, 2015

Deswik Software Suite v5.0 – New features

Version 5.0 of the Deswik software suite is now available, featuring some exciting new functions and improvements.

Notícias sobre o softwarefevereiro 11, 2015

Value Impacts of Truck Limited Haulage

A study has been completed producing a mining schedule in conjunction with a dumping schedule and haulage analysis.

Notícias sobre o softwaremarço 11, 2015

2014 by the numbers

Our software team has been busy this year continuously delivering improved solutions.

Notícias sobre o softwaredezembro 12, 2014

Deswik at the 2015 SME Annual Conference

Deswik will be participating in the 2015 SME Annual Conference and Expo in Denver, Colorado from 15th to 18th of February 2015.

Eventosdezembro 10, 2014

Save The UQEM: Enhancing Our Industry Safety Culture

The UQEM plays an irreplaceable role in the Australian mining industry by bridging the gap between theory and practice at UQ. It is currently under review for closure.

Mídiadezembro 10, 2014

Life’s too short to VDCL

We use this feature quite a bit here at Deswik. It still surprises me how many people don’t know about the DCF file format. VDCL is the original Deswik.CAD file format.

Notícias sobre o softwaredezembro 3, 2014Por Wayne Romer

Deswik gains international attention

Deswik was awarded the Dermot McManus Award for Leadership and Innovation at the Premier of Queensland’s Export Awards on Thursday 16th October.

Mídiaoutubro 30, 2014

Impacts of IPCC on Pit Shell Optimization

This case study outlines the process followed in the Deswik Software Suite to compare trucked material movements and an alternative strategy of semi-mobile in-pit crushing and conveying.

Notícias sobre o softwaredezembro 11, 2014

Deswik Goes Back to University

Deswik are pleased to announce the provision of Deswik Software for use by Mining Engineering students at UQ.

Mídiafevereiro 22, 2013

Deswik.Suite v4.0 Released

V4.0 brings enhancements across the entire toolset and represents the largest release from Deswik to date.

Notícias sobre o softwaresetembro 11, 2013

Deswik and RWE form Continuous Mass Mining Partnership

Deswik partners with RWE to launch the first generation of mine planning tools for CMM applications.

Mídiaoutubro 3, 2013

Net Present Value Optimization at Vale

SOT+ case study kicks off at Vale – advancing mine plan optimization.

Mídiasetembro 11, 2013