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Pivot Table Reporting

março 24, 2015

Deswik.Suite V5.0 contains some exciting new pivot table reporting functionality (found using the Deswik.LHS Reporting command, and called Pivot Table).

These new customisable pivot tables provide access to all of the usual information included in the Detailed Dumping report, but also includes access to all of the mining and dumping layer attributes. This lets you create pivot tables to display volume by distance and elevation, or alternatively, cycle time by pit by year.

Any data can be set up as a weight average through the Edit Field Formatting function, which lets you select the weighting field based on any of the mining attributes or any information from the detailed dumping report.

An important interactive feature is the ability to double-click any cell in the pivot table to graphically display the mining and dumping solids and the haul polylines which correspond with the value in the cell. This lets you very quickly track down any outliers from the haulage model, or alternatively, find “typical” hauls (e.g. use conditional formatting to identify the “typical” hauls, representing the largest volume of material, and then double-click the cell to graphically show the hauls).

Other features include a chart function which charts the pivot table data and conditional formatting of the pivot table to colour cells (like Excel).

Reports and charts can be exported to PDF, Excel or a number of other formats. The reports themselves can be set up as templates and can be easily imported or exported through external XML files.