
Мобильные приложения для поддержки принятия решений

Пакет приложений, позволяющий операторам оперативно принимать продуманные решения благодаря цифровому доступу к планам и данным о добыче в полевых условиях.


Survey App
An application for recording survey data on the go in underground operations. Deswik.Survey is specifically designed for underground surveyors, providing them with a complete overview of the mine, including the latest survey plans, cuts, mining locations and statuses. By providing surveyor's with all of the information they need to complete their job, Deswik.Survey reduces handover times and operational delays. The survey app can be viewed on the mobile or tablet, and surveyors can digitize and record data while on the go, with data syncing back to the Web Portal when online. This allows surveyors' to be completely mobile and to operate more efficiently.
Drilling App
An application that improves efficiency and accuracy in underground development. Deswik.Drilling is a unique application designed to keep development headings online, reduce re-work, overbreak and underbreak, and improve standards of work through best practice mark-up. Deswik.Drilling provides operators with the latest survey plans, an interactive mine map, face mark-up abilities, and an operator toolbox to guide users through complex mark-ups. The app was designed to save operators' time and reduce rework caused by incorrect mark-ups. The drilling app can be used on Android or Apple tablets and operates both online and offline with the ability to sync data back to the Web Portal as required.
Smart Map App
The ability to record, store and view data against a location is invaluable, and to have all this information on a mobile device in your hands is a game changer. Deswik.SmartMap streamlines the manual recording process by allowing you to capture field data on a map once for central storing, viewing and tracking. With online and offline capabilities, the app automatically syncs to a central database to ensure up-to-date data is accessible for viewing and editing even when underground. Simply select a location, add a marker, assign a priority and take photos to scope and monitor issues.
Smart Cut App
You are only as good as your last cut. Don't take short cuts. Use Smart Cut. Deswik.SmartCut is a mobile application for underground jumbo operators. It is an offset calculator which makes mark-ups simple for laser offsets. Enter the chainage and offsets in the app and let Deswik.SmartCut take care of the rest.

Download Deswik.SmartCut directly from the App Store or Google Play.
Operator App
A tablet-based work management and Short Interval Control (SIC) app for operators. The Operator App extends Deswik.OPS beyond the control room to field operations and provides operators with the ability to view tasks allocated directly from the shift schedule and record task progress for work on and off equipment. The Operator App requires a Deswik.OPS license to use, as it is a partner app. It provides a mobile interface and streamlined mechanism for receiving planned work, capturing progress, and performing dynamic re-planning.

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